New Opportunity!!
Book Study: "Blessing My Demons" by Chelsea Forbrook
Free and Open to All
Join us for a book study of Blessing My Demons: How to Name, Tame, and Transform Your Inner Critic by Chelsea Forbrook (now Witbrook).
Chelsea will join us at our March 13, 2025 IEA-SE monthly meeting to present on the inner critic in all of us. No need to read her book or participate in the book study to enjoy and benefit from the March 13th event, but if you wish for a deeper dive, join us!
Four book discussions - every other week on Monday
starting January 27th
from 12:00 - 1:15 pm Eastern
Can't attend all sessions? No problem, come when you can!
No need to register
Just Click Here to join
(at noon on the dates below)
Reading Schedule:
January 27th - Part 1: Name It
Ch. 1 & 2, p. 7 - 29 inclusive of the Your Turn exercise
February 10th - Part 2: Tame It
Ch. 3 - 6, p. 33 - 94 inclusive of each chapter's Your Turn exercises
February 24th
Ch. 7 - 11, p. 95 - 167 inclusive of each chapter's Your Turn exercises
March 10th - Part 3: Transform It
Ch. 12 - 16 p. 171 - 238 inclusive of each chapter's Your Turn exercises